Final week Busy!

Hi everyone,

No specific homework this week- just year 7’s to finish speeches and scrapbooks,year 6’s to finish off any outstanding assignments!

Tomorrow is the Year 7 Mount Lofty walk! Please meet at school wearing comfy shoes and with a hat, sunscreen, school uniform, water and snacks in a backpack! Looking forward to the trek up the mountain!

Year 7’s need to also bring their scrapbooks, speeches and their school ukuleles.

Year 6’s will have kitchen garden then will stay with other teachers until we get back from the walk. We will do Taekwondo again at 12:30pm.

Oak Tree ceremony for year 7’s is on tomorrow night. BYO picnic at 6:00pm. Ceremony at 7pm. All attendees must have filled out COVID forms and RSVPed in advance.

Year 6’s will join us at 8pm for a sleepover- Wednesday’s excursion has had to cancelled due to COVID restrictions so we will have a fun night and follow it with a movie/games day on Wednesday. We will also have lunch at the bakery.

Please drop a mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and change of clothes in the Library when you arrive for tea. Additionally can they please bring something that they can cruise around on for an hour of “wheels”- e.g Scooter, bike or skates. Please bring helmet and relevant safety equipment.

Thursday at 2:30pm we have our official school send-off, the Rose Ceremony outside under the oak tree.

Year 7 parents only are invited, please RSVP to

Friday – Taekwondo, Colour Run and early finish at 2:20pm.

Please wear a white t-shirt and something to protect your eyes.

The Year 7s may want to bring a school top/dress to have signed by students and staff. They will also need to bring a texta or something they can use for the signing as we have limited supplies this time of the year.

Please email me back with any questions you have!

Kind regards,

Info for parents re transition day for APHS 2021 Students

Hi All

Please note our new year 8s 2021 parents have been advised the following:

• Year 8 Parent Information Evening to be held Wednesday 2nd December has now been cancelled. Instead we will provide a link via email where parents will be able to access a presentation that will cover the information needed for all parents and students transitioning into Year 8 in 2021.

• Year 8 Orientation Day – Thursday 3rd December 2020
o 8:45am – 3:00pm
o Parents are asked to drop students at gate 1 and not enter the school. Staff will be on hand to assist students to make their way to their Care Group teacher and class.
o Students will spend the day in their 2021 class groups
o Students to wear their primary school uniform
o Recess will be provided
o Students will need to bring the following on the day:
 lunch or money to purchase from the canteen and water bottle
 pens, pencils and paper/pad

Hope this info helps if you have any queries.

Kind Regards,

Sue Goodman | Student Reception

Aberfoyle Park High School
Taylors Road East, Aberfoyle Park, 5159
T: 08 8270 4455 | F: 08 8370 5819
W: | E:
Respect, Care & Compassion, Honesty

Homework this week

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a nice little break! Kids seem a bit pooped today, but they are in good spirits.

If your student is working from home, please let me know if they need any of their saved work from their student drives here at school as I can retrieve and email it to you.

Main projects at the moment are:

1) Studying for the SA geography test
2) Finish camp recounts
3) Sports Day summary sheet
4) SA tourism brochure
5) Indigemoji
6) PHPs- due next week, plus year 7 scrapbooks.

Week 7 Homework
Day Homework
Mon Study for SA geography test
15 minutes of reading & record
Tues Maths Mate Due Wednesday
15 minutes of reading & record
Wed Maths Mate Due Wednesday
15 minutes of reading & record
Thurs Work on PHP
15 minutes of reading & record
Year 7’s to keep working on scrapbooks at home. Bring everything they have done so far on Friday so I can have a look at it. Should be over halfway.

6 days

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all okay and coping with this big change. I’ll be in at school tomorrow and should have some time to put together a bit of a learning program for the kids over the next few days. Luckily for them, the work I uploaded yesterday should keep them plenty busy. If they are in year 7, they can also be working on their scrapbooks.

Stay safe!

Ms Birrell

Working from home

Hello everyone,

Because of the current uncertainty, some students are currently at home with parents in order to take extra precautions. When I have a few students away, I’ll try and put up some activities for them to do and remind them of things they can be doing at home.

Mathsmates are still accessible here: google drive folder

We are up to term 4, sheet 5.

Yesterday we did a maths sums test (in the attached word file). Students may not have any assistance working on this. Please take a photo of their work and email it back to me. 17_nov

Today we are starting the sports day summary which is also in the word file. We will also be working on our Indigemoji designs (see my example in the word file).

We are also having a look at the SA place brochure design: SA Brochure Design.

Don’t forget that we are also working on our camp summaries which are due Friday.

Happy home-working 🙂

Kind regards,
Ms B.

Week 6

Hello everyone,

What a start to the day! We had our first Taekwondo lesson today and the kids just loved it. In week 8 we will do three lessons in a row and the final lessons will be in week 9! Students have been given a flyer with details of some free lessons they can attend at Flagstaff Hill.

David will be sending an email to year 7 parents shortly with some plans for the oak tree ceremony which might look a bit different this year due to COVID restrictions. Keep washing those hands and keep the kids home if they are sick please… fingers crossed we can get through this next wave with minimal restrictions.

Week 6 Homework
Day Homework
Mon Maths Mate Due Wednesday
15 minutes of reading & record
Tues Maths Mate Due Wednesday
15 minutes of reading & record
Wed Study for SA geography test
15 minutes of reading & record
Thurs Work on PHP
15 minutes of reading & record
Year 7’s to keep working on scrapbooks at home. Bring everything they have done so far on Friday so I can have a look at it. Should be at least, half done.

Week 5

Week 5 Homework
Day Homework Pgs
Mon Maths Mate practice for test
(One night only- no reading allocated)
Tues Minute to win it- prep (Due Wednes)
(One night only- no reading allocated)
Wed Reading
Any extra minute to win it prep.
Thurs 15 minutes of reading & record
Sports Day on Thursday. Bring in doughnut notes by tomorrow!

Week 4


Camp tomorrow! Just a reminder to be at school by 8:30am please and to double check through the list of items to bring (or not bring!). Belongings should be labelled. Students will need to have their school hat on their head in the morning and bring food for the day.

Year 7 parents should have received an email from David today. Please respond to that email as soon as you can!

Enjoy a few quiet days whilst we look after your super young people!

Kind regards,
Regan and David

Camp Tuesday!

Hi everyone,

Our camp to Port Vincent for Aquatics is next week! The weather forecast so far is looking ideal. On Monday, the aquatics people will call us and let us know if we will have an aquatics session on the Tuesday afternoon (they will do this if the weather doesn’t look as good on Wednes or Thursday). This will dictate what time we leave here on Tuesday. So stay tuned for the “Leaving school” time. The latest we will need to have the kids here on Tuesday will be 8:30am.

We will organise dormitory groups when we get there. Boys and girls will be separated.

Here is a reminder for what to bring. Just so you know, we have brand new surf hats for the kids which they will be wearing during all of their water activities. Whilst they are not the coolest looking headwear, they are the most protective and so will be mandatory for the duration of our water activities (kids are stoked about this-LOL).

What to Bring:

Students are not expected to wear school uniform – please wear clothes comfortable to travel in.


 Recess and lunch for Tuesday in a lunch box that can be used every other day for storing their lunch in. We will not be using gladwrap or any other single use plastics, so make sure it’s suitable for salads/sandwiches etc.

 A filled water bottle, clearly labelled with their name for use while travelling and during aquatics.
 A bath towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb/brush, soap, shampoo etc.
 3 changes of sensible clothes: Need to have sleeves, no short shorts etc.
 1 set of warm clothes
 School hat
 Sunscreen/zinc cream
 Old sandshoes/reef shoes that can be worn in the water
 2 Beach towels
 Bathers (not bikini or speedo)
– Rash shirt (must cover tops of shoulders)
 Board shorts or bike shorts
 Torch
 Sunglasses
 Sandals or thongs
 Pyjamas
 Sleeping bag and/or sleeping sheet
 Pillow & pillow slip

NOTE: Please pack beach items in a separate backpack (school bag)

 Favourite soft toy
 Wet suit
 Cards/board games
 RID or Aeroguard
 Props for Talent Night
 Lycra shorts (to prevent wet suit chafing)
 Digital or film camera -no ipods or phones etc without sims- too hard to police (we will take photos!)

 Mobile phone
 Music or gaming devices
 Jewellery
 Make up
 Lollies

Week 3

Week 3 Homework
Day Homework
Mon 15 minutes of reading & record
Maths Mate Due Wednesday
Tues 15 minutes of reading & record
Maths Mate Due Wednesday
Wed 15 minutes of reading & record
Thurs 15 minutes of reading & record
Year 7’s scrapbook. Year 6’s- Book Club or catch up/finishing off.
Camp notes to be returned ASAP please

Here are some photos from outdoor learning day and book celebration day
