Hi everyone,
No specific homework this week- just year 7’s to finish speeches and scrapbooks,year 6’s to finish off any outstanding assignments!
Tomorrow is the Year 7 Mount Lofty walk! Please meet at school wearing comfy shoes and with a hat, sunscreen, school uniform, water and snacks in a backpack! Looking forward to the trek up the mountain!
Year 7’s need to also bring their scrapbooks, speeches and their school ukuleles.
Year 6’s will have kitchen garden then will stay with other teachers until we get back from the walk. We will do Taekwondo again at 12:30pm.
Oak Tree ceremony for year 7’s is on tomorrow night. BYO picnic at 6:00pm. Ceremony at 7pm. All attendees must have filled out COVID forms and RSVPed in advance.
Year 6’s will join us at 8pm for a sleepover- Wednesday’s excursion has had to cancelled due to COVID restrictions so we will have a fun night and follow it with a movie/games day on Wednesday. We will also have lunch at the bakery.
Please drop a mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and change of clothes in the Library when you arrive for tea. Additionally can they please bring something that they can cruise around on for an hour of “wheels”- e.g Scooter, bike or skates. Please bring helmet and relevant safety equipment.
Thursday at 2:30pm we have our official school send-off, the Rose Ceremony outside under the oak tree.
Year 7 parents only are invited, please RSVP to david.hodges852@schools.sa.edu.au
Friday – Taekwondo, Colour Run and early finish at 2:20pm.
Please wear a white t-shirt and something to protect your eyes.
The Year 7s may want to bring a school top/dress to have signed by students and staff. They will also need to bring a texta or something they can use for the signing as we have limited supplies this time of the year.
Please email me back with any questions you have!
Kind regards,